Alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 17

Added/changed: Stone deposits are now allowed to be blocked (also solves the problem with bridge demolishing and bugged old saves) Fixed: Brewery hop kiln cowl turned to the wrong wind…

Alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 16

Added/changed: A few performance optimizations Fixed: Unfair self-blocking of other building when building a smeltery or fulling mill Minor UI corrections A mysterious crash Double everything on a field built…

Alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 15

Added/changed: Increased threads production speed Fixed: A case of unfair self-blocking of customized-form rowhouse Crash and damaged autosave after placing trading post/dock

Alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 13

Added/changed: Added some info in Supply options help page Added a help tip about fishing dock supply options Fixed: Unfair blocked fenceless village houses in certain conditions Had problems with…

Alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 12

Added/changed: Added a button in blocked buildings to check again after the removal of obstruction (or updating the game from hotfix 11) Added lines pointing to blocked buildings when selected…

Alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 11

This is actually a huge update, but you probably won’t notice it. There’s this thing I estimated to finish in 5 days, but it took 3 weeks instead. There is…

Alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 9

Added/changed: Slightly rebalanced how multiple forestries distribute planting jobs between them Optimized performance on idle cart search Optimized performance on granary supply to markets Optimized citizen shopping performance Optimized performance…