Alpha 1 patch 3

So here comes the next batch of fixes. Still far from all (as I write this, there’s 67 more unread emails, most of which are bug reports). Hope I’ll get…

Alpha 1 patch 2

Just trying to keep up with bug reports… Added: an ability to set max. number of laborers on a farm a tip to build a smithy, when nails are running…

Alpha 1 patch 1

First of all I want to thank all the awesome people around the world, who backlogged me with bug reports, who simply bought the game to support me and of…

Alpha 1 release notes

So, the first public Alpha 1 is now available to purchase on a main page and I finally managed to find some time to write a changelog. So, what’s new:…

Patch 9 release notes

There’s really a lot, so I’ll skip right to it: Added/changed: Town hall building: allows to set basic wage, local prices for products and house rent Now we have a…

Patch 8 release notes

For those who somehow didn’t notice, I remind that a city-building game Ostriv is now on closed testing stage. And I have to admit, this was really a damn right…

Testers wanted!

While I’m making some final preparations, you can fill in this simple form to get involved in closed testing of city-building game Ostriv. I should warn you beforehand, that this…

City guard and town hall

After Ostriv has been greenlit, the workflow became much more balanced. Now I have time to pay more attention to the gameplay inner workings, not being distracted by making pretty…